Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I've been exploring barefooted running for the past few months. I can now say that I don't like shoes anymore but they are required in our society. After completing my couch to 5k program I was able to run 3.1 miles in 36 minutes. After training my feet and form I ran the same distance in 28:54 shoeless. I'm now working on increasing my distance. The longest I have run is now 7.3 miles( half marathon here I come).

My training Schedual is going to be as follows:

  • 3 days a week running 5 miles
  • Saturday endurance runs of over 8 miles.
  • run to my inlaws house 12 miles away
  • run to my parents house 15 miles
  • run to my brothers house 30 miles away
I know I can do it. its just putting one foot infront of the other